Loie and Bucky have come to be known as "The Lovebunnies" since a friend wrote a poem about them, in which she described them as such. It stuck! One day, Loie told Bucky about a dream where they lived on "Snugglehouse Lane." Of course that isn't their real address, but Bucky liked the idea so much he drew them a Lovebunny logo.
For directions to Loie and Bucky's house, go to the "direct" page.
Here you see Loie and Bucky relaxing in the English Rain, discussing new additions to their web site. They hope you enjoy the Lovebunny Pages. This picture was taken by the reknowned British photographer Philip Wells during Driving the Stone Age Part VII, The Worldwide Megameet. Please visit Mr. Wells' web site, www.cameraworks-photography.com.